Since everyone is spending more time on digital devices than ever before, it is so important that we are taking steps to ensure we are all staying safe especially when online.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland has provided us with some useful Crime Prevention advice to share with our students and their families during this time.
This includes the ‘Cyber Aware’ brochure and the ‘Little Book of Big Scams.’
More information about how to stay safe from online scams is available at the Scamwise NI website:
Reminder: Admissions for Nursery and Primary 1 in September 2024
If you have any younger children who will be requiring a pre-school or primary school place in September 2024, the online portal opens on 9th January and closes on 26th January at noon.
If you know of any other families with children who will be starting school this September, particularly those who may not have access to social media, could we ask that you let them know of the importance of making an application. The Education Authority has help desk emails and phone numbers should there be any queries. These are listed below along with the link for making an online application.
Admissions Helpdesk: 028 9598 5595
Email: or
Please contact school if you require help with this.
Virtual Open Day Tour for Nursery/Primary 1 Admissions
School Aims
1. To provide a broadly based and relevant curriculum in a happy, secure and caring environment.
2. To promote positive attitudes to learning and to help children to develop lively, inquiring minds.
3. To enable all pupils to achieve their full potential in the academic and creative subjects and in physical and social skills.
4. To provide children with an understanding of the Christian religion and its relevance to their everyday lives.
5. To assist children to develop confidence, self respect and independence along with tolerance, honesty, kindness, consideration for others and respect for their environment.