52-56 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT28 1JJ

028 92665527


Lisburn Central Primary School & Nursery Unit

We are Primary 5


P5 World Book Day costumes and their Potato Characters

Dairy Council

As part of our World Around Us topic, Our City, we visited the Lisburn Linen Museum for a walking tour and workshop. We heard lots of interesting facts and stories from the Great Fire in 1707 to the cannon in Castle Gardens that came from the Crimean War.  

Armed with a recording sheet, P5 completed a traffic survey on the Hillsborough Road, looking at the colour of cars.  We then used this information to create Bar chart in class.

P5 rehearsing and performing poems in groups in front of the class.

P5 took part in a workshop by Bryson Pathways as part of their Living Well programme.  P5 learnt about the amount of sugar in different foods and how this has an impact on our teeth.  They also went outside to exercise wearing Fitbit to track how many steps they completed.

The P5 class brought in lots of recyclable materials and made cars, as part of our Travel and Transport topic.  Once the cars were made, we tested them on a ramp. Lots of fun was had by all pupils. 

Kendall and Christopher with their Great Grandad’s war medals. Thank you for bringing them in and showing them to the class. It was lovely seeing them and reading all about them

P5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Linen Museum to take part in a World War Two Workshop.  We learnt all about rationing, air raids, the Blitz and evacuation.

Amber very kindly brought in items from her family.  She brought in letters from a soldier who fought in the Welsh Regiment, as well as ration books and identity cards.  Thank you so much Amber.

Ulster Musuem brought us Musuem on the Move.  We had the opportunity to examine many World War Two artefacts.  We examined a ration book, thimble, darning mushroom, black out blinds, nylon tights, ARP badge and soap (made from lard and chicken livers).

Odd socks for Anti Bullying Week