52-56 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT28 1JJ

028 92665527


Lisburn Central Primary School & Nursery Unit

Primary 3


We were learning to measure in non-standard units today. We used blocks to measure our desk and books.

P3 enjoyed messy Art today printing their hands

Andy Warhol style!

P3 were learning to measure objects

using their handspans.

P3 had the task of making a jam sandwich following a set of instructions. They all did amazingly well and got to enjoy a tasty sandwich after!

World Book Day in P3!

We are learning to paint like Eric Carle.

                We have been finding out about 3d shapes in                  Activity based learning.

P3 were learning to make and label 2D shapes. We learned about some of the 2d shape properties.

   P3 were practicing phonics using games, sound blocks and their whiteboards.


We were practicing more measuring today!

P3 created Klimt Autumn Birch trees using sponging and collaged newspaper.