52-56 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT28 1JJ

028 92665527


Lisburn Central Primary School & Nursery Unit

Telling the time

PDMU in P4

Kurtis Dickson visited our school, as a former pupil at Lisburn Central he was very proud at how hard we have worked as a school on our Eco School curriculum. As Mayor, he was very impressed by our work and we even made an appearance on Lisburn and Castlereagh Council website. 

Term 1b in P4, our new topic is World War One. Yesterday, 11-11-24 we held a two minute silence in P4. We took time to remember all those who sacrificed their own freedom for ours. We also heard about the Christmas truce and how the soldiers sang, Silent Night together.

Today, 12-11-24 we had a visit from Mr Johnston and he spoke to us about what it is like to serve in the army today. We even got to see his medals and try on his military uniform. It was extremely heavy to wear. Thank you to him for taking time out on his day off to talk to us.

Anti-bullying week in P4, we celebrate our differences as we know how this makes us all very special and unique! Odd sock day was lots of fun!! 

Term 1a-We evaluated how we got on-We are not afraid to make mistakes! We will never give up!!

Term 1b - World War One